Emotional Wellness Coach
Decide what it means to lead an interesting and meaningful life. Then start acting towards it.
Born in Montreal, Canada in the sixties, I have been living in the Catalonian region of Spain since 1997. I speak English, French, Spanish and some Catalan. My credentials include a BA in Mass Communications from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver and the CPCP (Certified Professional Coach Program) from the International Coaching Academy.
During my time as an executive, I worked in sales, advertising and marketing management positions that, together with the education sector, provided me with a solid foundation on which to support myself as a professional coach. As part of my constant search for harmony between body and mind, in 2007, I added the title of yoga teacher to my credentials.
I have a deep understanding of the importance of good life balance as well as harmony between body, mind and spirit. I have read many books on spirituality and personal growth and I have done many personal training courses such as The Forum, Advanced Forum, Landmark, Mastery, Quantum Collapse Process (John DeMartini), The Science of Changing Your Mind (Joe Dispenza), etc. . In addition, I have done courses in Reiki, Hypnosis, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). I have recently completed Phase I and II of Brainspotting training which is a revolutionary body/mind therapy that reveals a client’s unprocessed traumas through fixed eye positions which are linked to their own “brainspot” that retains thoughts and emotions which limit the client.
I have a natural ability to inspire others, which comes from the deep commitment I make when I am helping people achieve the things they really want in life.